전북특별자치도익산교육지원청 로고이미지

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담당부서: 교육지원과(중등교육담당), 연락처: 850-8832

2023.07.17. Monday Morning
작성자 우세라 등록일 23.07.17 조회수 242

2023.07.17. Monday Morning



1. Review SWBAT & Warm Up: Journal Entry

2. Create Questions to ask Americans

3. Preposition Review(Preposition Cards)

4. Explore.org Animal Lookout

5. Past Tense Pronunciation

6. Past Tense Sort(Partner activity)

7. Sweet Predictions & HOTB(Individual work) 

8. Home of the Brave Predictions & Story Elements - Beach Ball Activity

9. Pronoun Handout

10. Listening Cloze - Ain't No Man



점심식사 및 스포츠활동

이전글 2023.07.17. Monday Afternoon
다음글 2023.07.16. Sunday