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2011 Jeonju North Jeolla Kotesol 행사사진
작성자 은소연 등록일 12.09.11 조회수 256

Greeting from Principal Sang Hyeon Ha

 Geun Young Girls’ High School

Greetings and welcome to the 2011 KOTESOL Regional Conference. As the Principal of Geun Young Girls' High School, I heartily and sincerely open our doors to you.

Our school which blossoms with enterprise, competence and compassion, has been granted the freedom to run an independent and flexible curriculum. In addition we have been selected and fully supported as a school specialized in English education, with level-based classes providing for the development of teaching methodology and advanced instruction.

We are truly honoured to host and support this distinguished event. It is my personal hope that the participants will share a fulfilling day, learning and growing by experiencing a diverse range of teaching philosophies. The theme lectures and workshops match our goal, as teachers, to foster and nurture our students. From that perspective, our school is proud of providing a venue for this conference.

I hope all attendees will meet with great success and happiness in the future.

이전글 2011 해외문화교류 방문단 환영식
다음글 영어연극대회 2위 수상(North Jeolla Tesol주최)