강호항공고등학교 로고이미지

School information

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+ Number of the Students

  3rd graders

2nd graders

1st graders

Males 169 158 154 481
Females 51 51 64 166
Total 220 209 218 647

+ Certificates of Specialty and Aptitude Course.

Certificates Number of Ss Certificates Number of Ss Certificates Number of Ss
Certified Fund Investment Advisor 31 Trade Controller 18 Computerized accounting Operator 66
Information precessor 19 Computer application 34 Word Processor 113
Photoshop (GTQ) 64 Computer application 1 ITQ 72
Document Officer 2 Chinese character 6 Korean history 11
Trade English 1 Total : 438
Certificates Number of Ss Certificates Number of Ss Certificates Number of Ss
Air Engine Technician 110 Electronic calculator 109 CAD Expert 5
Aircraft Technician 126 Electronic equipment 15 Information processing 106
Aviation equipment 44 Electrician & Welder 2 Computer application 14
Avionics 45 Craftsman Magnetic Nondestructive Testing 23 Word Processor 38
Aircraft radio 3 Forklift 8 Korean history 19
Aircraft pilot 3 Excavator 1 Total : 671

+ University and employment

Graduates University Employed Armorers of Air Ratio
Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females Total
175 43 218 59 23 82 43 15 58 62 0 62 100%