강호항공고등학교 로고이미지

Principal's Greeting

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We are doing our best aiming for upbringing

  • Kim Sangil  photo
  •  At Kangho Aviation High School, we are committed to the holistic education and nurture of cultured and successful men and women. We do this because we are passionate about raising excellent human beings who can thrive and flourish in an ever-changing world. Here, students mature and grow together. They are encouraged to do this by taking responsibility of some of the maintenance and management of the school. Their contribution makes a substantial contribution to the management of the school. Consequently, this private high school, now over 35 years old, has become a highly-regarded educational institution, in part because of the contribution of its students.

     I sincerely appreciate all of the students’ constant efforts and commitment to their school. I also respect and acknowledge the love and attention parents bestow upon their children. This is invaluable for our children’s’ development and future successes. And in expressing my thanks, I know that I also speak on behalf of all faculty members and the staff. Despite the short time we have to contribute to the lives of your children, we hope they leave us with a passion for innovation and for their ongoing future development.

     Currently at Kangho Aviation High School, we are also conducting a humanitarian training program. It aims to cultivate students to become more positive, competent, reliable, and able to meet the demands of a competitive world. It is the first such program of its type in Korea.

     Together, we are motivated to educate and motivate all students to think creatively, to be progressive in their outlook, and to nurture and demonstrate their infinite number of talents. In doing so, they will progress confidently into their future.

    Thank you.
  • Director: Kim Sangil