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2nd The seasons are turning - Mr.Turplin'The English Minute'
작성자 임진모 등록일 08.11.04 조회수 838
English_minte(11.1).wmv (11.04MB) (다운횟수:63)


Mr.Turplin'The English Minute' 2nd The seasons are turning

2008년 11월 1일 방영분

<가을의 관한 표현>

1. 가을은 천고마비의 계절

The Sky is high and the horses are plump.

2. 지금은 환절기이다
The seasons are turning.

3. 나는 계절을 탄다.
The weather is getting me down.


이전글 3rd You should try to be on time - Mrs.Turplin'The English Minute'