2012 KOTESOL 드라마경연대회 안내 |
작성자 | 박은영 | 등록일 | 12.09.16 | 조회수 | 498 |
The Annual Jeonju North Jeolla KOTESOL Drama Festival Enter your students in this entertaining event where all ages and levels of students are welcome. This festival will give your students a chance to use their English in a new and exciting way. All students will get certificates of participation for being part of the fun.
Date: Saturday, November 17, 2012. Place: Jeonju University Time: 1. pm Cost: The fee for each team is W35,000
Requirements: Each team will perform a 10-15 minutes play of any type. Each team must be no larger than 8 members in the senior division (middle school/high school and university groups) and 10 members for the junior division (kindergarten and elementary groups). We will accept 6 groups in each division. Each grup must have at least one teacher as their coach.
Prizes: All participants will receiver a certificate of participation. Judges will award prizes in a variety of categories (best acting, best pronunciation, best costume and much more). There will also be prizes for first, second and third place in each the two divisions.
Enquiries: Email Shawn DeLong at delong76@yahoo.com or call 010-9223-0730 if you have questions. Registration is by email only |
이전글 | 2012 룰랄라 영어단어왕 2차 대회 |
다음글 | 2012 영어UCC 창작경연대회 |