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가정통신문 제2018-8호 이중언어 말하기대회(Foreign Language Speech Contest) 참가 독려문 (다문화가정)
작성자 영전초 등록일 18.03.26 조회수 244

Foreign Language Speech Contest


Hello? I wish you and your family full of happiness.

Every year, The Buan Education Support Office holds a foreign language speaking competition. Our school has the highest percentage of multicultural families among Buan Elementary Schools. This means that our school has very good conditions.

Last year Kim Si-on(grade4) participated, We hope that more students will participate from this year.

We are not trying to give burden to our mothers. We hope that our excellent students who can learn only two languages ​​have the opportunity to show off their talents.

The competition will be held in August. Please check if you would like to participate and would be grateful if you could teach your native language at home from now on. Thank you.

* Please refer to the attached file for details.

이전글 하브루타를 활용한 토론학습법 학부모교육 운영 안내
다음글 사이(4E)좋은 안전교육자료 - 미세먼지 대비 안전수칙