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농산물꾸러미 안내 영어 번역본
작성자 김세진 등록일 20.04.27 조회수 349


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Jeonju Bukil Elementary School

Education Communication Letter


식생활관 245-8507


Guide to the Agricultural Products Package Support Project in Students’ Homes


April 24, 2020

Greetings! Wishing you and your family good health and happiness.
   Online class has opened due to the prolonged COVID-19. And because of this, school meals have also been interrupted. Also, eco-friendly farmers and local processors started to have difficulties in their alternative sales. And to help our local farmers, we would want to use their products to provide food ingredients to students learning in their homes . Thus, the project “Agricultural Products Package Support Project in Students' Homes” is conducted.

And for us to provide FREE support of agricultural products to our students, parental consent is required (based on the Personal Information Protection Act).
  Please reply via [Our School Text-Google Link] until April 27th (Monday).
Note: (1) If you do not agree to the provision of personal information, it will mean you are not requesting a package of agricultural products.

Items given: Agricultural product package (eco-friendly rice, environmentally friendly agricultural products from Dona-san, etc.), 1 package per student, (product support amounting to 32,000 won)
(2) Free offer and package composition may change depending on the supply and demand of agricultural products.
   Supplier: Jeonju Food Integration Support Center (Contact 063-214-8280, 010-6394-3556)
   Delivery method and period: Post office or Han Jin courier, from May 2020 (separate delivery date)

Principal, Jeonju Bukil Elementaray School


1.Name of the support program: A support project of agricultural products in students’ homes
2.Purpose of collecting, using, and providing personal information: For the provision of support of agricultural product packages in students’ homes
3.Items of personal information collected: student's name, grade, class, address, and parent’s contact information
4.Organizations that receive your personal information: Jeonju Office of Education, Jeonju City Hall, Jeonju Food Integration Support Center, Post Office, Han Jin Courier
5.Period of use of the personal information provided by the institution receiving the personal information: Until the end of the project
6.You have the right to refuse to the collection and use of personal information.
7.You have the right to refuse to the provision of personal information to third parties.


Note: If you do not agree to the collection, use, and provision of personal information, you cannot receive a package of the agricultural products.

  Do you agree to the collection, use and provision of personal information in connection with the above?

Please check one. 〔 〕I agree. 〔 〕I do not agree.

For students under the age of 14, consent from the guardian (legal representative) is required.
Signature is replaced by the choice made on the agreement as regards the collection of personal information.

Jeonju Bukil Elementary School

Bukil 2020-19

이전글 재량휴업일 안내(따갈로그어 번역본)
다음글 농산물 꾸러미 안내 따갈로그어 번역본