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작성자 김세진 등록일 20.04.08 조회수 218


Announcement of Online Classes for Multicultural Families


  • Information on Online Classes

  • Due to the spread of COVID-19, elementary, middle and high schools will open online classes stepwise starting April 9, 2020.

  • During the commencement period of online classes, students shall not physically attend classes. The two days following the commencement of online classes will be a period of adjusting* to remote classrooms.

  • Online commencement ceremony (principal’s greetings), and remote classroom orientation (going over the syllabus, attendance, evaluation, etc.)

  • If you do not have a smartphone or Internet available at home, you can get support from the Office of Education or from the school.

    [Overview of Online Classes for the 2020 School Year]


Apr. 6–8

Apr. 9–10

Apr. 13–15

Apr. 16–17

Apr. 20–

High school


Off (3 days)

Adjusting period

Online classes (starting April 9)


1, 2

Off (7 days)

Adjusting period

Online classes (starting Apr. 16)


Middle school


Off (3 days)

Adjusting period

Online classes (starting April 9)


1, 2

Off (7 days)

Adjusting period

Online classes (starting Apr. 16)


Elementary school


Off (7 days)

Adjusting period

Online classes (starting Apr. 16)



Off (9 days)

Online classes (starting Apr. 20)



  • Information on Remote Education

  • As school commencement is delayed, families can use various types of learning content via the following websites:

Cyber Learning System: www.cls.edunet.net

Wedorang: www.rang.edunet.net

Digital Textbook: www.webdt.edunet.net

On School: www.onschool.edunet.net

  • In addition, you can also use educational content at home with programs provided by the Educational Broadcasting System (EBS) and YouTube channels.


[EBS Programs to Promote Remote Education]




Program (students)



Adjusting to School Life (1st grade, elementary school)

Subject Basics (2nd grade, elementary school)

Adjusting to School Life (Life/Learning)

Subject Basics (Korean Language/Mathematics)

EBS Plus 2 (TV)

1st grade, elementary school: 9:00-9:30, 10:00-10:30

2nd grade, elementary school: 9:30-10:00, 10:30-11:00

EBS 2-Week Live Special Lecture (3rd grade, elementary school to 3rd grade, high school)

Korean Language, English, Mathematics, Society, and Science (Class in real time)

YouTube channels (search with the word EBS)

Elementary school (3rd-6th grades); weekday 9:00-12:00 (4 classes)

Middle school (1st-3rd grades); weekday 9:00-12:40 (4 classes)

EBS Middle School Premium Lectures (1st-3rd grade, middle school)

Korean Language, English, Mathematics, Society, and Science

Available for free 2 months via EBS Online Class


  • Students not proficient in Korean may learn the Korean language via the following websites:

    EBS Durian: www.ebs.co.kr/durian

    King Sejong Institute: www.sejonghakdang.org/sjcu/home/main.do

    National Library for Children and Young Adults (Multilingual Storytelling): storytelling.nlcy.go.kr

  • For any details about online classes and remote education, please follow the instructions from your school.

  • Related Websites:

    Parents’ Onnuri (e.g. education materials for parents and children): www.parents.go.kr

    National Center for Multi-cultural Education Center (e.g. education materials for multicultural students): www.edu4mc.or.kr

    Danuri (e.g. guide to Korean life in 13 languages): www.liveinkorea.kr/portal/main/intro.do

이전글 베트남어판 온라인학습안내
다음글 중국어판 온라인학습 안내