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2017 1학년 Hanil English Essay Contest 결과 발표
작성자 황두연 등록일 17.04.05 조회수 674

1학년 대상으로 실시한  Hanil English Essay Contest 에 많은 참여 감사드립니다.

수상자 학번과 에세이 제목만 올리도록 하겠습니다.


최우수상 10509 "A Leader Like a Chicken Salad


금상  10109 “What Makes a Good Leader?

금상  10113 “Cyber Bullying : What is it?

금상  10527 "True Leadership like Crayons"


은상 10116 “Conception and Types of Leadership”

은상 10324 “From Accentric Physicist To Charismatic Leader,
                    The True Leadership of Dr. Julius Robert Oppenheimer

은상 10808 “The Qualification of Leader”

은상 10822 "School Violence"

은상 10930 "Not a Leader, But Leaders"


동상 10306 “Leader + Ship : A Leader who leads the Ship”

동상 10409 “Qualities of Leadership”

동상 10421 “Leadership : With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility ”

동상 10608 “The Most Important Source for the Group : Leadership of Leader

동상 10609 "Leadership that affects whole members of the group"

동상 10932 "What Is Self-leadership


장려상 10323 “Let's go together: The True Leadership”

장려상 10416 “Who is the Good Leader”

장려상 10612 “What is the Ideal Leadership”

장려상 10733 “Leadership”

장려상 10901 "Brilliant Attitudes of Leadership”

장려상 11015 “Energy and love to be a Leader”

장려상 11025 “Leaders Who Change the World

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다음글 2017 2학년 Hanil English Essay Contest 결과 발표