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Speeches W.B 22-19
작성자 군산영어체험학습센터 등록일 19.10.18 조회수 217

Class: Canberra

Name: Robert

Hi guys!

I’m Robert from Canberra class.

First I will miss you.

I’ve learned a lot of things in here.

I think the cooking class was the best because I made a pizza!

It was small but I liked it.

All of the teachers were the best.

But I think Will teacher was the best teacher because he is really good at sports and is cool!

Hunter teacher was really funny and handsome.

Also Rahma teacher was beautiful and kind.

Thank you to all the Korean teachers.

경선 teacher was the best Korean teacher.

She was terrific!

It was a good experience.

I will miss you, bye!

class: Ottawa

name: Carolyn

Hello I’m Carolyn in Ottawa class.

Firstly, I want to say thank you to everyone. I had a good time at GELC.

The teachers helped us a lot so we can speak English well.

I enjoyed music class the most because all the students had fun and they all participated a lot.

Because of GELC everyone improved their English.

I want to say thank you to the GELC teachers one more time. Hunter teacher, Rahma teacher, Stuart teacher, Will teacher, Sam teacher and Louisa teacher as well as all the Korean teachers.

It’s too bad it’s our last day here at GELC. Thank you for helping us get along this week.

And to my new friends, you are all nice students.

Thank you for listening to my speech.


class: Washington D.C.

name: Wyatt 

 Hello my name is Wyat, and I am Washington D.C. class. First of all, thanks to the teachers for making the classes so fun! The most impressive thing about GELC is the lunch, it was fantastic! Thank youfor listening to my speech Good bye!

이전글 Speeches W.B 23-19
다음글 Speeches W.B 21-19