군산영어체험학습센터 로고이미지


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Speeches W.B 21-19
작성자 군산영어체험학습센터 등록일 19.10.08 조회수 249

Class: Canberra

Name: Caitlin

Hi everyone.

I am Caitlyn from Canberra class.

Let me introduce GELC.

GELC has many subjects.

I liked all classes but I liked art class the most.

Making a key ring and face painting was fun.

I liked speaking English with GELC teachers.

Thank you GELC teachers.

See you again.

Thank you!


Class: Canberra

Name: Amanda 

Hi everyone.

I’m Amanda from Canberra class.

I’m proud to speak in front of you but I’m trembling at this time.

I think GELC is very nice!

GELC has special subjects.

I can buy things at the store so I was happy.

It was very exciting because the up and down game was fun.

I liked talking in English with the GELC teachers.

It was a great experience.

I want to come back to GELC.

Thank you GELC teachers.

class: Ottawa

name: Wayne

Hi I am Wayne.

The best thing about my experience of GELC over the past five days is that the teachers were fun.

Also the classes were so much fun and I was happy because I could speak a lot and earn lots of stamps.

There were not many bad things about GELC, but my time here was short. I wish I could stay longer.

Thank you for your attention.



My name is Leah. I have learned a lot of things during my 5 days here. Making pizza was the most fun activity for me!

There are many good teachers at GELC and the classes are really good. Teachers are nice, even if they gave me little stamps.

Thank you for the good memories.

Bye Bye


Hello Everyone!

   My name is Skye. The most interesting class for me was Cooking class, we made pizza!

I liked the lunch and everything was lots of fun.

Among all the teachers, the best teacher is Will Teacher because he gives a lot of stamps, he’s handsome, and kind.

At GELC, I was able to make new friends and I really enjoyed my time.

This concludes my speech.

Bye Bye

이전글 Speeches W.B 22-19
다음글 Speeches W.B 20-19