군산영어체험학습센터 로고이미지


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Speeches W.B 23-19
작성자 군산영어체험학습센터 등록일 19.10.25 조회수 191

Class: Canberra

Name: Aria

Hello everyone I am Aria in Canberra class.

My favorite subject was movie because in movie the English Teachers made it exciting for me!

While I was studying at GELC I had fun.

I want to say thank you because everyone was very kind.

Other classes were also so much fun in my opinion.

I want to come back to GELC.

Thank you for listening to my speech.

class: Ottawa

name: Harry

Hello everyone, my name is Harry and my Korean name is 최하성 and Im in Ottawa class.

I had a really fun time at GELC because it is very different to my school. P.E class was especially fun. In P.E. class we played dodgeball and basketball.

The second best class was emergency class. In emergency class we learnt about different kinds of emergencies and earthquake countermeasures.

The third best class was camping class because we learnt how to pitch a tent and about camping equipment.

Thank you to all of the teachers at GELC.

I had a very happy five days here. Ill see you again when I get the chance.

This is the end of my presentation.

Class: Washington D.C.

name: Nigel

Hello, My name is Nigel, and I am in Washington D.C. class. I am honored to speak in front of you doday. GELC is a very good school. It has many subjects; I liked Bank, Cooking, History, and many others. Cooking class was very nice, because  I made a pizza. The lunch was so good too! Finally, thank you to the teachers, Will teacher, and to allof the other teachers, thank youfor your hard work. This concludes my speech, Good bye!!

이전글 Speeches W.B 24-19
다음글 Speeches W.B 22-19