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한국 판매 페 스타 외국 언론에 칭찬받아

이름 배서현 등록일 16.11.11 조회수 441

Foreign press praises Korea Sale Festa

한국의 ‘코리아 세일 페스타’에 대한 보도를 위해 19일 동대문 두타 앞 투어리스트 이벤트 센터를 찾은 외신 기자들이 한복쇼를 취재하고 있다.

Members of the foreign press attend a Hanbok fashion show in front of the Doota Mall in Dongdaemun in eastern Seoul on Oct. 19 as they cover the Korea Sale Festa.

Members of the foreign press have covered the Korea Sale Festa in detail, all while directly enjoying the festival themselves.

Media professionals from Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Peru and Botswana, as well as foreign correspondents in Korea from Iranian Press TV, China's Phoenix New Media and the People's Daily, the official newspaper of the Chinese Communist Party, visited the Doota Mall in Dongdaemun on Oct. 19 to write about the Korea Sale Festa and how it was unrolling in one of Seoul's top shopping neighborhoods.

The reporters made inquiries about discounts and sale prices, whether or not there has been an increase in sales during the festival, and about non-Korean's propensity for shopping.

After watching a Hanbok fashion show in front of the shopping tower, they enjoyed experiencing first-hand a traditional ganggangsullae dance, and participated in a giveaway event to receive free gifts.

중국의 인민망, 봉황망, 이란의 프레스 TV 등의 상주외신 기자들이 19일 동대문 두타 1층에서 의상 디자이너로부터 ‘코리아 세일 페스타’ 및 외국인 관광객들의 선호 의류 디자인에 대해 설명 듣고 있다.

Members of the foreign press corps residing in Korea from Iranian Press TV, China's Phoenix New Media and from the People's Daily, the official newspaper of the Chinese Communist Party, visit the Doota Mall in Dongdaemun on Oct. 19. Here, they listen to a fashion designer explain the Korea Sale Festa and talk about Korean fashion trends that are popular among non-Korean shoppers.

The Korea Sale Festa, which started with a K-pop gala extravaganza along Yeongdongdaero Boulevard near COEX on Sept. 30, will continue until Oct. 31.

A variety of events are scheduled for the Must-do Week, from Oct. 17 to Oct. 23, at tourist and shopping centers across the country. Organizers of the Korea Sale Festa will give away free gifts to selected people who upload pictures of a festival event onto one of the festival's official social media profiles on either Oct. 21 or 22.

Please visit this website for more information.


During the Must-eat Week, from Oct. 24 to Oct. 31, visitors can sample various Korean food items, including sunflower seed hotteok sugar cakes and tteokbokki rice cake in a spicy sauce.

By Jeon Han, Yoon Ji-hye
Korea.net Staff Writers
Photos: Jeon Han Korea.net Photographer

해외문화홍보원의 초청으로 한국을 찾은 해외 언론인이 19일 동대문 두타 앞에서 ‘코리아 세일 페스타’에 대한 리포트를 하고 있다.

A non-Korean reporter invited to Korea by the Korea Culture and Information Service files a story about the Korea Sale Festa on Oct. 19 from in front of the Doota Mall in Dongdaemun, eastern Seoul.

페루 ‘채널 N(Canal N)’의 지노 라파엘 타싸라 피롤라(Gino Rafael Tassra Pirola) 기자가 19일 동대문 ‘투어리스트 이벤트 센터’ 앞에서 ‘한복놀이단’과 함께 강강술래를 하고 있다.

Gino Rafael Tassra Pirola, a reporter from Peru's Canal N, takes part in a traditional ganggangsullae dance along with members of the Hanbok Nole-dan, a group of young people who promote the wearing of Hanbok, on Oct. 19 in front of the Doota Mall in Dongdaemun, Seoul.

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