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외국인노동자 고용 (찬성/반대)

이름 신명인 등록일 21.09.01 조회수 153


우리나라 사람들도 일자리 부족,

가면갈수록 일자리 부족이 심해지고 있다특히 나이가 많은 사람들에게 심각한 문제가 되고있다노숙자들은 늘고있는데 외국인 노동자를 고용한다면 

부족한 일자리중에 외국인을 더하기 때문에 우리나라 사람들은 더욱더 일자리가 부족해질것이다.또한 국내 근로자들의인권비 상승을 억제 시킬수 있다

그리고 코로나19 인해 백신을 맞아야 하는 상황인데 외국인 노동자를 정식으로 고용하면 백신을 나눠줘야하는 상황이다그러면 국내인들도 백신을 맞는 시간이 길어지고있는데 외국인 노동자들까지 더해지면 백신이 부족한 경우가 생기거나국내사람들이 백신을 맞는 기간이 미뤄질수도있다



The lack of jobs is getting worse for our people, too.

It is a serious problem, especially for older people.

Homeless people are on the rise, and if you hire foreign workers, Because of the addition of foreigners among the jobs lacking, our people will be more and more deprived of jobs.

It can also curb rising human rights costs for domestic workers.

And we're in a situation where we have to get a vaccine for Coronavirus 19 If foreign workers are officially hired, the vaccine should be distributed.

Then, the time for Koreans to get vaccinated is getting longer, and if foreign workers are added, there is a shortage of vaccines there may be a delay in the duration of vaccinations for people in the country.

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