
♥  Emblem은 영어 스피치와 영어 토론 등 여러 활동을 통해 다양하고 재밌는 방면에서 영어를 접할 수 있는 활동들이 이루어지는 색다른 영어 동아리, 전북여고의 상징입니다. 

20420 이해인

이름 20420 이해인 등록일 20.08.24 조회수 78

1. Where did English come from?

We often use English in our daily lives and learn it at school, but we did not know the origin of English. It was amazing to learn that, as with the various Romance languages derived from Latin, all of the seemingly different languages of English, Swedish, German and other languages came from a common place known as the origin of Germanic languages before 500 B.C. It also made me wonder why, given that nearly three billion people around the world use the same words made in 6,000 years of history, many cannot understand each other.


2. 구조적인 인종차별주의의 상징과 그 힘을 없애는 법

I found there is structural racism in the United States. Through the lecture, I learned that racism against blacks was so severe that there was a group called "Ku Klux Klan" that discriminated against blacks with white supremacy. There are still schools, districts, and workplaces that employ segregation policies. If we all become one and look at things like branding tools, shackles, and KKK costumes and realize that they are part of history, we can move on to a world where they no longer have power. Also acknowledging that structural racism is a seed sown on the national identity itself, it could address the deliberate segregation policies implemented in schools, regions and workplaces. Listening to the lecture, I hoped that a society would come where everyone without systemic racism had equal rights, and I wanted to help create such a society.

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