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근영여고 대표 영자신문 동아리 ING

Geunyoung Sports Day

이름 안혜령 등록일 19.10.18 조회수 169

Geunyoung Sports Day

10304 김민진


  On May 10, the freshmen and sophomores of our school enjoyed the school’s sports day. Before beginning the athletic games, a non-smoking campaign was held in the schoolyard. The principal informed the students of the dangers of smoking, and the student leader declared a smoking ban on behalf of the students. Then, the student council held an event to celebrate Teachers’ Day. It was followed by the entrance ceremony for cheerleading in each class, which is the highlight of Geunyoung sports day. As the students had prepared this for a week, we could see each class’ unity and individuality on the stage. After the entrance ceremonies, the athletic competition began.

  The competition consisted of Relay race, Queen Bee, Floor curling, Dodge ball, and Tug-of-war. A tug-of-war was held in the middle of the schoolyard. Students pulled the rope shouting to the chant with all their might, and the homeroom teachers were enthusiastically cheering. While the outdoor activities were under way, the Floor curling game was held in the Song-Lim hall. Floor curling is literally played on a regular floor instead of an ice link, and it’s a new sports game that has been gaining popularity recently. Thanks to the floor curling equipment installed in our school, students could enjoy the floor curling for the first time.

After finishing the morning game and having lunch, the sign-language club and dance club performed splendidly. Despite the hot weather, many students gathered in the schoolyard to see the performance. Then a 200m relay race for teachers was held. All the students watched the teachers’ race with excitement, and the teachers ran with enthusiasm. It was the end of all the sports competitions.

After the game, the winning classes received prizes in the schoolyard. Class five of the first grade and class nine of the second grade won the performance award for a great cheerleading performance, and class four won the overall championship. This year’s sports festival was a meaningful event that showed harmony among the students and led to an accompany between teachers and students through various activities.


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