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근영여고 대표 영자신문 동아리 ING

Entrance Ceremony at Geunyoung Girls’ High School

이름 안혜령 등록일 19.10.18 조회수 183

Entrance Ceremony at Geunyoung Girls’ High School

10202 Kang Hyori


 On March 4, 2019, an entrance ceremony was held at Geunyoung Girls' High School. The entrance ceremony was held at auditorium called the Songlim Hall and composed of countless students. The new students met for a long time after the preliminary meeting, and formed friendships with friends who would spend a year together. So the atmosphere at the beginning of the entrance ceremony was chaotic. First, the Pledge of Allegiance began. The Pledge of Allegiance is the first rite to begin at an event of a public organization. It was proceed by a salute to the national flag, to sing the national anthem, a silence for patriotic martyrs for the country. Through this, we emphasized the unity of our student. Unlike before, the entrance ceremony’s atmosphere was rather serious.

  After that, the declaration of admission began. The Declaration of Admission indicated that new students at Geunyoung Girls' High School were admitted to the school. We were informed once again that we were admitted. And entrance ceremony is originally a ritual that is gathering new students at school. The entrance ceremony for Geun-young Girls’ High School was hosted not only for the first year freshman but also for the second year. All of first and second students lined up by each class and exchanged greetings formally. The polite greeting between seniors and juniors is a celebration of their juniors' entrance into the school as well. As a first-year student, we politely respect our seniors in the new school.

  Two scholarship students of freshmen recited the declaration in front of the students as representatives. On behalf of all the students they shook hands with vice principal each other. By shaking each other's hand they expressed their welcome and gratitude on behalf of all the students. A freshman including me will probably have expectations and worry about the approaching future.

  The entrance ceremony is the first event at a new school. After the entrance ceremony, life in high school begins. High school is based on the citizen foundation education of 9 Years in Elementary School and Middle School. Therefore, high school is a process of fostering qualities that can be prepared for college admission or employment. High school’s purpose is to find one's own career that fits one's aptitude or individuality. I wish all freshmen will have their own goals and do well in school for the next three years.


이전글 Geunyoung Sports Day