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Children responsible for the science field |
이름 | 김민진 | 등록일 | 21.03.11 | 조회수 | 208 |
Children responsible for the science field of our country! 10927 한결 On July 8, ING club interviewed C&C club. The name of the C&C club means Chaos & Cosmos, which means ‘order in chaos’. The name is well matched to the science of finding the answer you want in an experiment that starts with an assumption. The main activities of the C&C are experiments. After learning various activities, they go to the Street of Love in Gaeksa to teach children about the activities they’ve learned. Others knew that they did many scientific experiments, but it was not much known that they communicated others with science. Although the club activities were not enough, the most memorable activities for the children were making hand sanitizers that conducted to prevent COVID-19, gardening at the back of the gym, making beads accessories that changed color when receiving the lights. Also, the members of C&C a snack party with sophomore on the first day of the club activity. They said they want to control drones, fly paper airplanes scientifically, and go to the provincial office to teach children to give chance for science experiments. For each of them, the motivations for coming to this club were different. There were various members such as friends who came in because of various science fields, and someone who wanted to gain experience through experiments, and came in because they wanted to study deeply about their favorite subjects. Since the club is a passage for students to get one step closer toward their dreams, having some scientific experiments that students want will surely be helpful for their future. |
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