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The 21st century, the era of one-man media |
이름 | 안혜령 | 등록일 | 19.10.18 | 조회수 | 120 |
The 21st century, the era of one-man media 20619 이승미 Recently, the world has not been able to escape the attraction of one-man media. Single person media means that individuals based on blogs and social networking sites produce contents and carry out the planning and distribution of broadcasting services. Thanks to the popularization of the Internet, individuals have emerged in the media arena, which is the beginning of the so-called one-person media era. In particular, the spread of smartphones and tablet PCs has led to one-man media using African TV, YouTube and Twitter, among which YouTube users are having a huge impact on the world. One-person media is easy to use anyone and does not cost a lot of money, and it also has the advantage of being able to plan and produce content that viewers want at any time. It is broadcast live and communicates with viewers in real time, and identifies and reflects viewers' needs through comments. It also satisfies the viewer's need for participation and communication through interactive communication and provides emotional bonds that are reflected in the broadcast. As such, one-person media has changed its relationship with users to a horizontal structure and increased accessibility to broadcasting, allowing users to form a more open and participatory media environment. However, this one-man media has many drawbacks. First, anyone can easily participate in the distribution of content, so false information can spread indiscriminately. Those who simply take profits from one-person media use sensational and provocative titles and photos, mostly of unconfirmed information and personal speculation. The problem of copyright infringement is also on the rise with the rise of single-person media. There are cases of unauthorized use of songs or works without permission from the author. YouTube is the biggest market for one-man media. At YouTube World, as much as 1 billion hours of video are consumed each day, and over 400 hours of video are uploaded for each part. It has more than 1.9 billion viewers per month and has become a huge platform available in more than 80 languages. More and more people dream of becoming a YouTuber in line with the situation of this era. Recently, elementary school students picked YouTuber as the number one future hope, and lawyers, retired ordinary people and even celebrities are trying to make their YouTube debut. In particular, the success of "Park Mak-rye U-Tuber" in her 70s also shows that U-Tubers are no longer part of the new. Hit of web dramas such as "A-teen" and "The Love Playlist" have even advanced to over-the-air TV programs, showing how much influence the one-man media has in our society. As it is a new creative content, creators should strive to create better content, and inmates should critically embrace information and live in a world of right, one-man media.
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