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A popular occupation, flight attendant |
이름 | 안혜령 | 등록일 | 19.10.18 | 조회수 | 131 |
A popular occupation, flight attendant 20601 Kang Seo Yeon These days, flight attendants, one of the leading jobs in the service industry, are gaining popularity among female students. An increasing number of students have been preparing early to become flight attendants since they were young. Students who dream of becoming flight attendants are said to be doing their best to prepare for interviews, image-makings and take care of their school grades to enter the aviation service department. The reason why the job of a flight attendant is so popular among students is that the required grades are not so high, and that they can go on a frequent trips with a decent salary. Also, there are students who see a job as a flight attendant and prepare themselves for it because they feel attracted to it. Students who live in rural areas wanting to become flight attendants are also preparing to attend flight service academies in the capital area to enter the aviation service department. As almost all universities have 60 percent of interviews, image and answer skills are important so, students who want to apply to the aviation service department are also taking care of their school records and preparing thoroughly for the interview. I interviewed second-grade students who are currently attending Geunyoung Girls' High School in Jeonju. Kim Ha-som, a sophomore attending Geunyoung Girls' High School, first got to know the job of a flight attendant through her parents. At first she had a negative idea that the service of a flight attendant would be difficult, but when she got into the crew club at school and experienced flight attendant-related job, she got more interested in the crew and motivated by it, so she is studing hard to enter the aviation service department. Kang Seo-yeon, a sophomore, liked traveling and people. After learning about the job of flight attendant, she became very interested to know that it is a job that can do things she likes. Last 23days, a Korean Air flight attendant saved the life of a child with quick first aid from breathing difficulties and hearing this article inspired her that flight attendant is a job that always need to be nervous and be faithful to the job with responsibility and also motivated to this job. More and more students are sometimes motivated and trying to get a flight attendant job because their dream of becoming a flight attendant is interesting for a variety of reasons. Even more recently, there has been a growing number of male students with crew dreams. As more and more students dream of becoming flight attendants, the competition rate in aviation services is getting fiercer. Regardless, students are making great efforts to achieve their dreams. I cheer for the passion and dreams of all the students who have a crew dream.
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