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Native English Teacher Employment Notice for Jeonju Busul Elementary School
작성자 문고운 등록일 15.02.13 조회수 463

1. School : Jeonju Busul Elementary School


2. Job specifications

1) Native English instructor(twenty-two hours per week): 1 person

2) Teaching grades: grades 3, 5 and 6 (3 classes in each grade)


3. Eligibility Requirements

1) A Bachelor's Degree

2) Experienced instructors preferred


4. Working Conditions

1)Term of Employment : March 1st, 2015 to February 29th, 2016(One year)

2)Five days per week (Monday-Friday)/ eight (8) hours per day


5. Pay Level and Salary

1)Pay Level: Level 3

2)Salary: ₩2,100,000 Korean Won per month(Housing Provided)


6. Documentation Requirements


2)A medical report

3)Passport - copy of

4)Criminal record- Apostilled

5)Bachelors Degree - copy of

6)Certificate of alien registration - copy of

7)Certificate of Working Experience (Reference Letters)


7. Period and Presentation Requirements

1)How to Submit : Mail or Visit School directly

2)Submission Deadline Period : 2015.2.13(Fri) ~ 2015.2.17(Tue) 16:00p.m.

3)Jeonju Busul Elementary School, Sosohakdong, Wansan-gu, Paldalro 74, school Office

(Zip code)560-815

4)Contact phone number : 063 281-7258(English Room)


8. How to apply

1) Primary: Document Review.

2)Secondary: Only candidates selected after primary document review (2015.2.17(Tue) 16:00) will be contacted by phone. Interviews and lesson plan descriptions (simulation teaching).

3)The date and time of the 2nd interview and lesson plan descriptions (and simulation teaching)will be decided after screening of primary documents.

4)Submitted documents will not be returned. Successful candidates will be notified individually.


2015. 2. 13.




이전글 2015학년도 신입생 예비소집 안내
다음글 2015 원어민 영어보조강사 채용 공고