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설정윤 1차 개인기사

이름 설정윤 등록일 19.11.28 조회수 17

Internet addiction

Smartphones are now an integral part of our daily lives and must be a useful item to make our lives easier. However, being addicted to smartphones can lead to a number of deteriorations. According to a survey, the percentage of teenagers who have problems with Internet and smartphone usage has increased every year, reaching 16 percent of the total. The Ministry of Gender Equality and Family said on May 14 that a survey of 1,286,567 elementary, middle and high school students in this year's school age transition period found that 206,102 of them (16.0 percent) are in the Internet and smartphone "risk group." In both cases, there were 71,912. The percentage of teenagers who are dependent on the Internet and smartphones has been increasing by nearly 1 percent every year to 14.3 percent in 2017 and 15.2 percent in 2018. The overdependence risk group is divided into 'cautionary user group' and 'risk user group'.

Dangerous user groups are at a level that requires the help of professional organizations as they experience serious obstacles and show withdrawal in their daily lives. Why are the number of Internet, smartphone, and extracurricular youths increasing every year?The reason is that it leads to addiction due to the variety of channels and changes in media content such as Internet, one-person media using smartphones or real-time broadcasting YouTube.If an Internet addiction is suspected, a clinical diagnosis will be conducted through a meeting with a psychiatrist, and a comprehensive psychological test, evaluation of family members, and measures related to Internet addiction can be examined. In the case of co-existence disease, medication and psycho-social therapy are performed and cognitive behavioral therapy is used a lot. There are reports of psychiatric treatment, such as real-life and art therapy, that work, and that approach to family is also made. Outpatient treatment may be used for the effective treatment of non-compliant, aggressive behavior, or accompanying diseases. Preventing Internet addiction is more important than anything else. If you suspect that you are addicted to the Internet, it is worth checking your Internet usage habits first, recording them or recording their usage time and content every day. It is also possible to put an alarm clock next to a computer and check the hours of use or install time management software. The addiction to smartphones can be a major cause of deafening adolescents' everyday lives and directly linked to poor academic performance. It is time to seriously look at reckless smartphone education and Internet use issues and try to find solutions to them. It is hoped that a culture will be established in which students themselves can talk and enjoy more actively while enjoying outdoor activities and travel rather than smartphones.


다음글 소예빈 1차 개인기사