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장하윤 1차 개인기사

이름 장하윤 등록일 19.11.27 조회수 35

Ouch! Is this Irritable Bowel Syndrome...?


1428 장하윤

When I have important plans like exams or contests, I have a stomachache and think 'I want to go toilet' just before the event. At first, I thought the stomachache was a kind of jinx, but many people have experienced same with me. With the technical term, it is called 'Irritable bowel syndrome'. It is a condition that cause functional disorder of the exercise and secretion of intestine due to emotional tension and stress. After meal or in anxious situation, symptoms like stomachache, abdominal inflation, diarrhea or constipation appear.

The cause of 'irritable bowel syndrome' doesn't be identified yet. It is guessed because of heredity, mental causes, heavy drinking, and irregular diets. But you should go to the hospital and get an examination if these symptoms often occur for months. Stomachaches usually get better after bowel movements and it doesn't influence on body condition. This syndrome doesn't decrease life expectancy but in case of patients, they get frequent inconvenience in daily life, and suffer disadvantages in social life.

To cure 'irritable bowel syndrome', the most important thing is removing anxiety and conflicts that cause stress. Don't depend on medicine and put all of your effort by eating healthy foods and mind control. Avoid foods that stimulate bowel and overeating. Drug treatments are used for decreasing sensitivity of bowels and making them stable. You can get effectiveness when you understand enough what doctor advise and follow him. Sometimes, he prescribe tranquilizer because of mental comfort. An antispasmodic is usually used to relieve pain that is made by contraction of smooth muscles in an alimentary canal. It is helpful to decrease diarrhea after meal and cramp if you take the medicine half an hour before eating. Antidiarrhea increase water absorption and pressure of the anal sphinct. But you should be careful because it can cause stomachache at night, or constipation if you take more than suitable amount.

In case of 'constipation irritable bowel syndrome', it is better to have 20-30g of dietary fiber in a day. Soluble fibers are involved in fruits, vegetables and grains, and it is important to increase amount of intake gradually. Because if you increase suddenly, it cause growth of fermentation and stomachache or abdomial distension. Also, in case of 'diarrhea irritable bowel syndrome', caffeine and alcohol make diarrhea and oligosaccharide cause gut intolerance.

이전글 전민경 1차 개인기사