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After Learning that the Last Phase will be catatonia |
이름 | 박현주 | 등록일 | 18.06.22 | 조회수 | 99 |
I used to love to hear my mother say she could run like the wind I'd see a woman on a ridge, then light rushing past.. sometimes she was gowned, a figure from myth. But often her body had turned to light by the time I looked. It was never raining. There was never pursuit. She just ran. Climbed the ridge and ran. I'd seen deer run like that but knew she'd never dream of becoming other just to escape more heartache. If she had needs, no one could see them. She ran like the wind. All the threats I can name fall behind her. |
이전글 | Introduction to Poetry |
다음글 | On reading poems to a senior class at south high |