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Up-hill-C. Rossetti (1830-1894) |
이름 | 김사랑 | 등록일 | 18.06.08 | 조회수 | 132 |
Does the road wind up-hill all the way? Yes, to the very end. Will the day’s journey take the whole long day? From morn to night, my friend.
But is there for the night a resting-place? A roof for when the slow dark hours begin. May not the darkness hide it from my face? You cannot miss that inn.
Shall I meet other wayfarers at night? Those who have gone before. Then must I knock, or call when just in sight? They will not keep you standing at that door.
Shall I find comfort, travel-sore and weak? Of labor you shall find the sum. Will there be beds for me and all who seek? Yea, beds for all who come. |
이전글 | The Lamb-William Blake (1757-1827) |
다음글 | Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening-Robert Frost(1874-1963) |