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Prayers of Love Sent through Celestial Bodies

이름 이영애 등록일 17.09.15 조회수 616

Prayers of Love Sent through Celestial Bodies 

Dear mother, look at the moon tonight. 
The rabbits under the cinnamon tree on it 
Will pass you my smile of greeting 
for your happiness. 

Dear father, receive the sun with all your 
Heart tomorrow morning, and the three-legged 
Crow* inside it, rejoicing in my filial piety, 
will burn your illness away. 

* For thousands of years crow has been mentioned by poets

in the east as a bird of filial piety feeding its old parents; through folk tales

people call the black spot in the sun three-legged crow,

the dark spots in the moon rabbits playing under the cinnamon tree. 

이전글 A Leaf of Grass to the Gardener
다음글 The Flower Show