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이름 임서영 등록일 17.05.19 조회수 809


Langston Hughes


Here on the edge of hell
Stands Harlem -
Remembering the old lies,
The old kicks in the back,
The old "Be patient"
They told us before. 

Sure, we remember,
Now when the man at the corner store
Says sugar's gone up another two cents, 
Ane bread one, 
And there's a new tax on cigarettes - 
We remember the job we never had, 
Never could get,
And can't have now
Because we're colored. 

So we stand here
On the edge of hell
In Harlem
And look out on the world
And wonder
What we're gonna do
In the face of what
We remember.

이전글 Men at Forty
다음글 Tears, Idle Tears