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'NK has nuclear missiles'

이름 김사랑 등록일 16.05.21 조회수 867

'NK has nuclear missiles'

By Jun Ji-hye

North Korea has secured the ability to miniaturize a nuclear warhead to fit on its Nodong missiles ― possibly with help from Pakistan, according to a retired Air Force major general, Thursday.

Lee Yeon-soo, former commander of the ROK Air Defense Missile Command, said that the North has secured nuclear warhead technology from Pakistan in return for Pyongyang's technical assistance given to Pakistan that developed Gauri missiles based on the North's Nodong.

He noted that Pakistan possesses a considerable amount of nuclear warheads that can be mounted on Gauri missiles.

He made the comment during a forum hosted by the Korea Defense Security Forum in Seoul.

"Some North Korean defectors have also testified about the weight and structure of the North's nuclear warheads that can be mounted on the Nodong," he said.

The Nodong with a range of 1,300 kilometers can hit a target on the Japanese mainland and Okinawa.

From the Pyongyang's point of view, the Nodong is more valuable weapons than the Scud to deter the United States as the Nodong fitted with nuclear warheads is capable of striking bases of the U.S. Forces Japan as well as the United Nations Command rear headquarters located in Japan, Lee said.

The Scud with a range of up to 500 kilometers is capable of striking targets across the Korean Peninsula.

Lee Yeon-soo, former commander of the ROK Air Defense Missile Command, said that the North has secured nuclear warhead technology from Pakistan in return for Pyongyang's technical assistance given to Pakistan that developed Gauri missiles based on the North's Nodong.

He noted that Pakistan possesses a considerable amount of nuclear warheads that can be mounted on Gauri missiles.

He made the comment during a forum hosted by the Korea Defense Security Forum in Seoul.

"Some North Korean defectors have also testified about the weight and structure of the North's nuclear warheads that can be mounted on the Nodong," he said.

The Nodong with a range of 1,300 kilometers can hit a target on the Japanese mainland and Okinawa.

From the Pyongyang's point of view, the Nodong is more valuable weapons than the Scud to deter the United States as the Nodong fitted with nuclear warheads is capable of striking bases of the U.S. Forces Japan as well as the United Nations Command rear headquarters located in Japan, Lee said.

The Scud with a range of up to 500 kilometers is capable of striking targets across the Korean Peninsula.

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