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I have no time to visit with king Arthur

이름 김사랑 등록일 16.04.09 조회수 918
I have no time to dream a dream,
Or think a splendid thought,
Or visit with king Arthur
In the land of Camelot.

I've underlined one hundred nouns,
And circled thirty verbs,
While wishing that this workbook
Had story to its words.

I could travel to another time
With Huck Finn on his raft,
Or read a poem by Silverstein
That really makes me laugh.

Instead I fill in compound words,
A neverending chore:
How I long to be with Gulliver
On a strange and distant shore!

Nouns and verbs and compound words
Are sad and dull and stale,
Unless they're fired with the spark
Of a mighty, wondrous tale.

이전글 Let It BE Forgotten
다음글 My Heart Leaps Up