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Indigenous Elvis at the Airport by heid e. erdrich

이름 장한빛 등록일 15.11.22 조회수 944

Indigenous Elvis at the Airport

By Heid E. Erdrich b. 1963 Heid E. Erdrich
Indigenous Elvis works security:
Chief Joseph hair, blue-black and pomped,
turquoise and shell dangling from one ear,
silver chunks of rings on every bronze knuckle.
Indigenous Elvis works security:
X-ray glances at your backpacks,
laptops, empty still-moist shoes.
Indigenous Elvis waves me to his line.
A perfect gentlemen at all times,
gingerly lifting my naked phone,
holding the line as I return my computer
and extra undies to my briefcase.
Next line, next flight, Indigenous Elvis eases in
too close, asks, "Where you headed
this time?"
Subtle tango, I lean away, wondering what it is
he saw first gave me away—
My beaded barrettes in their travel case?
A slight turn to my eyes?
Oh, mortification when I get him!
Indigenous Elvis, at security, a third time.
He lifts my carry-on,
maneuvers my hand, gestures me close to ask,
"How is my sweetheart?"
Then against my neck, so my hairs rise
with his sight, "How’s my sweetheart doing … 
your sister … ?
... the one that got away."
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