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Root Canal as a Venetian Idyll By Terese Svoboda |
이름 | 장한빛 | 등록일 | 15.11.20 | 조회수 | 947 |
Root Canal as a Venetian IdyllTerese SvobodaThe exhausted dream I live in is scattered with teeth, the little tombstones of Freud that, plowed under, grow up warriors. My son buries his between pillow and case so no one can exchange them for foundling dollars— he wants to string them together, the miser. The rule is you lose a tooth for every child. The new baby grinds, gnashes, butts at the inexplicable ache inside— the dog that won’t shake off. Yet he gums prettily between howls. So smile! repeats his jack o'lanterned brother, as I do, falsely, as Death does. |
이전글 | aphra plays be terees sydoboda |
다음글 | Strange!By John Frederick Nims |