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이름 이소희 등록일 14.06.13 조회수 1194

People kept talking about tomorrow;
So I asked them what it is.
They told me that tomorrow will be
When night is gone and dawn comes.
Anxiously waiting for a new day,
I slept through the night and
woke up to learn
that tomorrow was no more --
It was another today.

There is no such a thing
As tomorrow

(Dongju Yun)

내일은 없다

내일 내일 하기에

밤을 자고 동틀 때

새날을 찾던 나는
잠을 자고 돌보니

그때는 내일이 아니라

무리여! 동무여!
내일은 없나니

이전글 A Walk In The Woods With Robert Frost (1)
다음글 The Road Not Taken (2)