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Halloween Brexit delay could mean a summer nightmare for Theresa May

이름 신현정 등록일 19.04.11 조회수 33

Brussels (CNN)Europe has done it again. Despite French President's Emmanuel Macron's reluctance to give the UK a long Brexit extension, the EU leaders have agreed the apparently interminable process can be delayed until October 31, with a school report on Britain's behavior in June.

And while everyone is focusing on that Halloween deadline, it's really the June date that's the more significant.
Just three weeks ago, May told lawmakers in the House of Commons that she could not "as Prime Minister" delay Britain's departure from the European Union beyond June 30. After that, Britain would be obliged to send representatives to the European Parliament, where a new session begins on July 1.
    If May can't get her Withdrawal Agreement, battered and bruised, through the House of Commons in time to put a stop to those European elections and hustle the UK out of the EU by the end of June, everything will be back in play.
    Theresa May granted Brexit delay at EU summit
    Theresa May, remember, staked her premiership on delivering Brexit within the original two-year timetable of the Article 50 process -- March 29. If it's not done by the summer, something will have to give.
    It almost doesn't matter what that is -- a cross-party deal that allows a Brexit deal to get through the House of Commons, a second referendum to break the deadlock, a general election that finally sees off May. What's clear is that European leaders are done with the current impasse where the UK can't get its act together to leave, yet the EU is unwilling to force it out.
    The fact that Brexit was not delivered by the original Article 50 deadline has done something to the psychology of British politics. Here in Brussels, where they watch the action back in London closely, there is open talk that Brexit is on the verge of evaporating. The sentiment is not hard to understand -- the UK has, after all this time, demonstrated no clear plan for delivering Brexit.
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