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Swansea Uni study: African wild dogs 'sneeze to vote'

이름 윤소연 등록일 17.09.15 조회수 638

Swansea Uni study: African wild dogs 'sneeze to vote'

Media captionHow African wild dogs 'sneeze to vote'

African wild dogs vote over pack decisions by sneezing, a new study has found.

The joint research by academics from Swansea, Australia and the United States monitored endangered dogs at the Botswana Predator Conservation Trust.

They found the dogs used sneezes to decide when to move off to hunt after making camp for greeting ceremonies called "social rallies".

Dr Andrew King, of Swansea University, said the sneezes acted as a "quorum".

The study was carried out by zoologists from the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, Brown University, in the United States, and Swansea University's College of Science.

Previously it had been thought the dogs, which are among the world's most-endangered species, were simply clearing their airways.

But, while zoologists recorded the details of 68 social rallies, they noticed the more sneezes there were, the more likely it was the pack moved off and started hunting.

Dr King said: "The sneezes act as a type of quorum, and the sneezes have to reach a certain threshold before the group changes activity.

"Quorums are also used by other social carnivores such as meerkats."

A pack of African wild dogs

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