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Will President Park face probe?

이름 임서영 등록일 16.11.04 조회수 859
Civic activists hold banners readingPark Geun-hye Outat a rally in Gwanghwamun, Seoul, Thursday. (Yonhap)
With Choi Soon-sil in custody and facing possible prosecution, attention is now on whether President Park Geun-hye herself will be investigated for her role in the alleged wrongdoings of her scandal-ridden confidante.

Political talk is shifting in that direction, with Park being pressured to face the music. Park’s Prime Minister-designate Kim Byong-joon, Justice Minister Kim Hyun-woong and several lawmakers of the ruling Saenuri Party on Thursday publicly floating the possibility -- or even necessity -- of Park being investigated.

My stance is that (investigation and interrogation of the president) is possible under the current Constitution,” the prime minister-nominee said in a press conference.

The remark echoed the view of Justice Minister Kim who said earlier in the day that if deemed necessary, the prosecution would seek to question Park.

“I think President Park is well aware of the gravity of this case. Should the need (for an inquiry on Park) arise with the progress of the ongoing prosecutorial investigation, we may appeal (to Cheong Wa Dae to make it happen,)” he told lawmakers at a parliamentary session.

South Korea’s Constitution exempts the president from prosecution, except in cases of insurrection or treason. While the president is exempt from criminal liability, there are mixed interpretations in legal circles as to whether she is also exempt from investigation.

The minister said the mainstream interpretation of the Constitution limits the prosecution’s use of investigative power on the incumbent president, for example, barring a raid on her residence.

But if Park is cooperative, the probe can reach beyond those limits, he added.

According to a survey released Thursday by Realmeter, a local pollster, 70.4 percent of respondents think Park should be grilled.

President Park is facing accusations that she let her civilian friend Choi interfere in key state affairs in a critical crisis that even threatens her presidency

The scandal erupted last week when a local TV channel reported that it had found over 200 presidential documents, including presidential speech scripts, on a trashed tablet PC purportedly used by Choi

The embattled leader admitted to having sought Choi’s help on speeches last Tuesday, but has since made no further comment on other allegations.

A growing number of Saenuri lawmakers think that Park voluntarily going under the prosecutorial probe may be the only way to salvage the current conservative administration and regain public confidence.

Party chair Lee Jung-hyun may officially propose it to Park, asking the president to embrace the measure,” an unnamed party member was quoted by local media as saying.

Over the weekend, the state prosecutors investigating the Choi scandal sought to search the presidential office of Cheong Wa Dae, but were denied access to the premises.

Cheong Wa Dae, citing security reasons, instead offered to provide documents that the investigators requested.

Historically, no incumbent president has been subject to a prosecutorial investigation in South Korea.

In 2003, public prosecutors considered launching a probe into the then-President Roh Moo-hyun who was embroiled in a bribery scandal. Though the president said he would undergo the investigation, the prosecutors later decided not to pursue the matter.

In 2008, prosecutors conducted a probe into then President-elect Lee Myung-bak, who was accused of having been involved in a stock price manipulation scheme, but the investigation took place before he was sworn in, in 2009.  

By Korea Herald staff / (
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