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This Chinese fruit juice stock is going bananas! by Paul R. La Monica @lamonicabuzz

이름 박송희 등록일 16.09.02 조회수 692

The stock market is not far from its all-time highs. That has some wondering if investors are drinking the proverbial Kool-Aid and ignoring risks.

But a better question might be whether or not investors are drinking the SkyPeople Fruit Juice.

SkyPeople what?

Odds are you probably haven't heard of SkyPeople Fruit Juice (SPU). The company, headquartered in the Chinese city of Xi'an, is puny. Its market value is just $42 million. But SkyPeople Fruit Juice does have shares listed in the U.S. on the Nasdaq.

And it has been one of the hottest stocks on the market. Shares have doubled in the past week and are up more than 135% this year.

So what is SkyPeople Fruit Juice? As the name implies, it makes fruit beverages and concentrates. Apple, pear and kiwi are particularly popular flavors. The company sells Hedetang branded juice -- mostly in China, but also in Mongolia and New Zealand.

The reason for much of the excitement? SkyPeople Fruit Juice announced a few months ago it would be selling a 51% stake in a subsidiary to the Chinese government backed firm Shaanxi New Silk Road Kiwifruit Group.

That's made the stock a favorite plaything of day traders.

The SPU ticker is often one of the top trenders on investing social media site StockTwits.

Shares have been extremely volatile this week though due to a report by a research firm calledGeoInvesting, which seemed to suggest that some traders may have been pumping up the stock.

But GeoInvesting later shot off a series of tweets saying that the media was making incorrect assumptions about the firm's research. (And naturally urged people to become paid subscribers to receive premium reports.)

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