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This city has the nation's safest drivers by Chris Isidore @CNNMoney |
이름 | 박송희 | 등록일 | 16.09.02 | 조회수 | 669 |
Want to be on the road with the nation's safest drivers? Head to Madison, Wisconsin.The state capital and college town tops a list of the ten safest cities for driving from Allstate insurance. The rankings are based on data such as the average time between auto accident claims to how often drivers need to slam on their brakes while driving. The rankings are adjusted for population density. New York City comes in as the fourth safest city, thanks to its tightly packed population, even though it has more frequent insurance claims and drivers there have to slam on the brakes more often than in other cities on the top 10 list. Related: Traffic deaths surge for second year in a row New York is actually the only big city to make the list. The second safest city is Brownsville, Texas, followed by Boise, Idaho. Milwaukee is No. 5, behind New York, with Wichita, Hialeah, Florida, McAllen, Texas, Olathe, Kansas and Lincoln, Nebraska. The braking information is based on six years of data from Allstate's Drivewise telematics program, which sends a car's driving history electronically to the company for drivers who enroll in the program. |
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