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How to Be a Genius |
이름 | 김유진 | 등록일 | 15.11.18 | 조회수 | 277 |
Yitang Zhang is a math superhero. He recently solved a math problem (link is external) that fellow mathematicians had been working on for more than one hundred and fifty years. When asked how he finally managed to solve it, he had a simple answer: “Concentration.” Concentration doesn’t happen by chance, it takes planning and effort. Here are five data-driven ways to enhance your ability to concentrate: 1. Have a Roadmap: Strategically plan ahead (link is external)and know the exact steps to reach your goals. (link is external) You need to have an idea about how to get from point A to point B. “That constant awareness of what is next is what keeps you focused.” (link is external) 2. Peak Time: What time of the day are you at your best? Research suggests self-control is highest in the morning, (link is external) so this might be the right time to tackle a challenging project. Instead of catching up on email the second you sit down at your desk, work on something that is a priority. 3. One Thing at a Time: Multitasking (link is external) is the enemy of concentration. Designate (link is external) specific times of the day to check email, messages and other social media. 4. Optimize Your Environment: Create a peaceful workspace. Plants (link is external) and natural light are natural productivity enhancers. Also, minimize (link is external) external distractions. Noises are particularly disruptive, especially the ping of incoming email and messages. Consider wearing headphones and turn off digital notifications. 5. Smell the Roses: Taking breaks is essential. (link is external)Going for walks (link is external) outside is an especially effective stress-reliever and productivity booster. Getting enough sleep, (link is external) spending time with loved ones (link is external) and meditation (link is external) all enhance focus. Math genius Yitang Zhang explains his:
Figure out the strategy that works best for you. Create your own “concentration ritual” and channel your inner Dr. Zhang. Concentration and mental toughness are the margins of victory. -Bill Russell |
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다음글 | Man Up and Take Responsibility |