
♥  Emblem은 영어 스피치와 영어 토론 등 여러 활동을 통해 다양하고 재밌는 방면에서 영어를 접할 수 있는 활동들이 이루어지는 색다른 영어 동아리, 전북여고의 상징입니다. 

다큐 시청 감상

이름 박하담 등록일 21.09.14 조회수 65

We come to school every day and see flags. In addition, at the event, we always show a kind of courtesy to the country with our hands on our chest and looking at the flag. Looking at this, flags seem to evoke a kind of sense of belonging to us and seem to show examples. But we sometimes get angry, despise, and hate looking at flags. For example, Koreans are angry at the fact that Japan dominated Korea in the past, even though they did not actually experience it while looking at the Japanese flag. Also, most people around the world see Nazi flags, causing tremendous anger and hatred. 

We usually pass by and regard flags as pieces of cloth without much inspiration. But in some special situations, flags have various meanings as before. 

Also, as I saw the flag change as the country developed, I came to think again about the meaning of the flag.

In a way, you may think that the flag is a simple fabric, but it was interesting to note that it has a variety of meanings. It was also nice to know many things related to flags that I didn't know before.


우리는 매일같이 학교에 오며 깃발을 보게 됩니다또한 행사 때는 어김없이 국민의례를 하며 가슴에 손을 얹고 깃발을 바라보며 국가에 대한 일종의 예를 표합니다이를 보면 깃발은 우리에게 일종의 소속감을 불러일으키기도 하고예를 표하는  같기도 합니다하지만 우리는 깃발을 보며 분노하고경멸하고혐오를 하기도 합니다예를 들어 우리나라 사람들은 일본 국기를 보며 실제로 경험하지 않았음에도 불구하고 일본이 과거에 우리나라를 지배했던 것을 떠올리며 분노합니다또한  세계의 사람들 대부분이 나치 깃발을 보고 엄청난 분노와 혐오를 일으킵니다

  우리는 평소에 지나다니며 깃발을 봐도  감흥 없이  조각으로만 여기곤 합니다하지만 어떤 특수한 상황에서는 앞에서처럼 깃발은 다양한 의미를 지닙니다

  또한 국가가 발전함에 따라 깃발이 변하는 것을 보며 깃발이 지니는 의미를 다시 한번 생각하게 되었습니다.

깃발은 어찌보면 단순한 천이라고 생각할 수도 있지만 속에는  다양한 의미를 지니고 있다는 것이 기장 흥미로웠습니다또한 깃발과 관련된 전에는 알지 못했던 많은 것을 알게 되어 좋았습니다

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