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10208 김채민 |
이름 | 10208 김채민 | 등록일 | 20.08.24 | 조회수 | 97 |
1. Where did English come from? English has evolved through generations of speakers, undergoing major changes over time. When the French-speaking Normans conquered English and became its ruling class, they brought their speech with them, adding a massive amount of French and Latin vocabulary to the English language previously spoken there. Today, we call that language Old English. As the various Romance languages descended from Latin, English, Swedish, German, and many other languages descended from their own common ancestor known as Proto-Germanic spoken around 500 B.C.E. It was amazing and interesting that many languages started from one root, and it was even more surprising that they changed so much overtime that they could not understand each other’s language.
2. 항생제 내성 위기를 어떻게 극복할 수 있을까요?
Actually, I learned a little about antibiotics a few days ago while reading a book about penicillin. Antibiotics are chemicals that prevent the growth of bacteria. Unfortunately, some bacteria have become resistant to all currently available antibiotics. For this reason, so far, many pharmaceutical companies are creating new antibiotics to fight against resistant bacteria. However, the new antibiotic only works for certain infections, not for a wide range of infections, resulting in fewer sales and less revenue. So many pharmaceutical companies have created medicines that patients must take for life, such as blood pressure medication, cholesterol medicine, and depression treatments. In the meantime, germs have evolved by continuously developing resistance and sharing genetic information with each other. To overcome this, we must propose the use of existing antibiotics or develop new antibiotics, and find new ways to treat bacterial infections by suppressing the resistance of bacteria to new drugs and existing drugs. Therefore, the video argues that the occurrence of resistant bacteria can be reduced if sufficient investment in antibiotics development and proper regulation of existing antibiotic prescriptions are made. I was usually interested in medicine, but I think this video helped me learn more about antibiotics.
이전글 | 10616 유소이 |
다음글 | 20223 홍지효 |