♥ Emblem은 영어 스피치와 영어 토론 등 여러 활동을 통해 다양하고 재밌는 방면에서 영어를 접할 수 있는 활동들이 이루어지는 색다른 영어 동아리, 전북여고의 상징입니다. ♥
2020.07.08 진로 발표 |
이름 | 20103 김가연 | 등록일 | 20.08.23 | 조회수 | 86 |
Hello, I'm Kim Gayeon. Currently, I haven't decided on a clear career path that suits me, but I'm interested in English. Previously, I was interested in aviation service because I wanted to be a flight attendant, but I felt that communication in English was the most important thing for flight attendants, so I set a big goal and aimed to enter the English department. However, I have never thought about what to do in the English department yet, but my ultimate goal is to enter the English department. |
이전글 | 2020.07.08 진로발표 |
다음글 | 2020.07.08 진로발표 |