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Joint Activities With Wansan High School |
이름 | 안혜령 | 등록일 | 19.10.18 | 조회수 | 216 |
Joint Activities With Wansan High School 20207 Kim Hasom
? On Memorial Day on June 6, 2019, and on Liberation Day on August 15, 2019, ING, an english-language newspaper club at Geunyoung Girl’s High School, and DISCUSS, an english-language discussion club at Wansan Hight School conducted joint activities. Wansan High School and Geunyoung Girl’s High School exchanged many ideas and work our a schedule on the day of our joint activities, thinking about what could a meaningful activities for the two clubs. The first meeting was on June 6th at Geunyoung Girl’s High school and we need time to get to know each other first. So, we divided each team and played CROSSWORD PUZZLE and WORD SEARCH GAME. And then, each group to make and publish an English-language newspaper by selecting a topic. One group made a newspaper about movies and, another group about Liberation Day. When I write articles by myself, took a lot of time and hard. But, it was fun to make them all together and time seemed to go by quickly. The second meeting, Liberation Day on August 15th was also had at Geunyoung Girl’s High School. This day was Liberation Day, we had a time to make posters using English on Liberation Day. It was the second time we met, so it wasn’t awkward as it was when we first met, and it was more fun. Also we researching about Liberation Day to make posters, and to interpret it in English, it became time to study English what Liberation Day meant in English. Then we had a time to give a speech about each dream. Although we were very nervous, it was time to think about our dreams, write out own writings, and listen to what kink of dreams each person had. This meeting ended the joint activities with Wansan High School. ING members, an english-language newspaper club at Geunyoun Girl’s High School expressed their feelings such as “I think it was an unexpectedly fun and meaningful time.”, and “I think I had a good memories and a good experience.” DISCUSS members, an english-language discussion club at Wansan High School, said many good words such as “I think we have done better than I was worried.”, “It is a rare and unusual experience for me to do this joint activity with other high school friends.”, and “I have learned that I can approach english like this through various activities.”
이전글 | Seishu High School |