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GeunYoung Morning Exercises |
이름 | 안혜령 | 등록일 | 19.10.18 | 조회수 | 198 |
Don’t Worry About Your Health! - GeunYoung Morning Exercises 10621 Lee Minju
If you visit Geunyoung Girl’s High School every morning, you can see a unusual scene. There are students circling around the playground and teachers standing next to the speakers with songs. What are the students doing when it was hard to be diligent? It is the morning exercise which is a distinctive program of the Geunyoung Girl’s High School. Then I will introduce about the morning exercise which is responsible for the health of the students. Morning exercise is a distinctive program, so you can see only in the Geunyoung Girl’s High School. Every year, Geunyoung Girl’s High School hold morning exercises for its students. Morning exercise are conducted by circling the field from 8:00am to 8:15am. Just go around the playground is a boring factor that makes students reluctant to play exercise, so they also have exciting songs. The morning exercise is being conducted over 1st and 2nd semesters. It is a popular program that almost all students in each class participate in it because of its ease of exercise. How to do morning exercise is so simple. Students who play sports need to stop at the playground on their way to school and make at least two turns. Then check attendance on the table and the morning exercise will be finished. Exercise doesn’t mean you have to run fast. But if you talking slowly with a friend while go around the playground, you can have fun and health at a same time, so you feel free to do it. The benefits of these morning exercises are that you can wake up on a sleepy morning so you can concentrate on the class and improve your grades. Also, if you pass the physical test, you can fill in the student record so it is also very helpful. In fact, a senior who recorded morning exercise in his student record was a great help to college. And you don’t need to worry about not having breakfast. Small snacks are also provided for students who miss their breakfast. Thanks to this, students love for morning exercise is growing day by day. Morning exercise to awaken students body and head and take care of their health. Do you want to participate? If you want to join us, please come to the playground by 8 am. We are waiting for us.
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