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Efforts of Geunyoung to Protect Students |
이름 | 김민진 | 등록일 | 21.03.11 | 조회수 | 187 |
Geunyoung Girls High School’s Efforts to Protect Students from COVID-19 10424 Lim Chaelim COVID-19 is a respiratory infection caused by a new type of coronavirus that has spread from China to all over the world since it first occurred in Wuhan, China in December 2019. COVID-19 is infected when the spray of the infected person enters the respiratory system or eye, nose and mucous membrane of mouth. If you are infected by COVID-19, you will experience fever (37.5˚C), coughing, respiratory symptoms such as difficulty breathing, and pneumonia after 2 to 14 days of incubation period. Symptoms of aftereffects after the complete recovery of COVID-19 includes brain fog, chest and abdominal pain, skin discoloration, and chronic fatigue. In Geunyoung girls high school, there have been many activities to protect students from these scary COVID-19. First, teachers taught the students to go to school while ‘keeping the distance’. As you can see from the picture, they always spray hand sanitizer for cleanliness of students. By using hand sanitizers, students can start a safe day from germs left in their hands by making it possible to sterilize without water. Second, the school created a new 'health director' through one activity per one person which is one of the school activities. The reason why they made a health director is to be more interested in COVID-19 and to keep clean. It is also for managing wet tissue, disinfectant, and thermometer in class. In fact, after the health director was made, classmates responded that they were comfortable with wet wipes and disinfectants, and that they were able to keep cleanliness. Next, you can find Geunyoung girls high school’s efforts during lunch and dinner. When you look at the picture, you can see teachers installing partitions to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Thanks to the teachers’ efforts, everyone could be safe even when taking off masks to eat lunch or dinner. What should we do to repay these efforts of Geunyoung girls high school? First, we should wash our hands more often than usual. Also, we should not take off mask at break time, especially when talking with your friends. We should try not to get tired of the prolonged social distance and we must make efforts to make sure that the efforts of Geunyoung girls high school are not in vain. |
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