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근영여고 대표 영자신문 동아리 ING

A dormitory was built at Geunyoung

이름 김민진 등록일 21.03.11 조회수 154

A dormitory was built at Geunyoung Girls' High School

                                                                                                                                                10121 이송

On January, 2020, the dormitory ‘Songwhagwan’ was built at the GeunYoung Gilrs’ High School. It has been under construction since last year and operated since this year. ‘Song’ means pine tree, which is the school tree of Guenyoung Girls’ High School and ‘wha’ means flower. This name was determined through a contest of ideas from Geunyoung students, school parents and school personnel.

Songhwagwan is located very close to the school building, so it is convenient to commute to school. And it is safe because it is possible to enter only via fingerprint recognition. Also, Songwhagwan can accommodate 64 people.

As for the inside of the Songwhagwan, it has three floors with 16 rooms and four student in the same grade use one room. In Songwhagwan, there are many places available for students. First, on the first floor, there is a reading room where students spend most of their time out of their own rooms and a computer room where they can take an internet lecture or conduct performance assessment. If a student just asks the teacher if she can use the computer room in the evening, anyone can use there freely. Moreover, there is a discussion room, which enables students to study in talking. On the second floor, there are rooms of 1, 2 grade and each room has toilet. In addition, there are washroom, laundry room, refrigerator and cup sterilizer. Third floor is similar to the second floor. As you can see, Songwhagwan is pleasant and equipped with best facility so that students can live in fresh environment.

Usually students can study until 11:30 pm while taking a break from time to time. Especially during examination period, students who want to study more are able to study longer autonomously.

By building dormitory, educational environment of Geunyoung Girls’ High School has been improved. So it became possible for the students of geunyoung to live a better school life than before.

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