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Teacher’s role for Encouraging Student Engagement |
이름 | 안혜령 | 등록일 | 19.10.18 | 조회수 | 207 |
Teacher’s role for Encouraging Student Engagement and Motivation 20209KimHeeKyung
Motivating students is one of the major challenges teachers face on a daily basis. Conceptualized as students’ energy and drive to engage, learn, work effectively, and achieve their potential at school, motivation and engagement play a large role in students’ interest and enjoyment of school. Teachers play a vital role in their students’ engagement and motivation. In the classroom, teacher’s enjoyment and confidence, educational effect, and emotional inclination in the classroom have a positive impact on student engagement and motivation. Teachers high in confidence are more likely to engage in pedagogy that is characterized by positive, proactive, and solution-focused orientations, resulting in increased student motivation and engagement. Teachers’ enjoyment of and confidence in teaching have been shown to have a positively impact their emotional orientation towards their students resulting in increased student motivation and engagement. For example, like a positive student-teacher relationships. Furthermore, positive relationships with teachers predict enhanced social, cognitive, and language development in younger children. Those teachers who support a student’s autonomy tend to facilitate greater motivation, curiosity, and desire to be challenged. Finally, positive relationships with teachers are associated with emotional, cognitive, and behavioral engagement in the class. There are Tips for Enhancing Student Engagement and Motivation. First, Allow students to work autonomously, enjoy learning relationships with peers, and feel they are competent to reach their goals. Second, Allowing students to work autonomously and with others, and developing their sense of competence results in increasing student motivation. The thing that Create learning opportunities that are active, collaborative, and promote learning relationships. Active learning in groups, peer relationships, and social skills are key components to engagement and motivation. In other words, students can learn by themselves and together by talking and sharing each other's ideas in class. This naturally leads students to actively participate in classes by communicating with their classmates. In addition, there are several ways that have been actually implemented to enable students to participate in class. It can be realized by having students think in order to lead to student participation. This leads students to think in depth. And then, if you listen enough to the students' answers to the questions, you understand what they say, and if you're wrong, you're confident in answering them. Although these may sound like simple methods, these teachers' roles in motivating students have a lot of influence in leading and motivating students. For students who spend most of their time at school, the attitude of teachers has a great influence. Motivating students and encouraging engagement is not an easy feat for teachers. While much of the motivation is intrinsic to the student, teachers play a vital role and can be proactive in cultivating student engagement. Increased student engagement and motivation is key to academic and behavioral success.
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