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Efforts as a Teacher To create a Happy School |
이름 | 안혜령 | 등록일 | 19.10.18 | 조회수 | 143 |
Efforts as a Teacher To create a Happy School 20209 kimHeeKyung Happy students report positive relationships with teachers." Students at happy schools have far more support from teachers than students at unhappy schools. Efforts are needed to help students feel happy, happy places to go to school, and make students happy as teachers. The first of them is to give them a choice right. Students are always not told what to do and rarely get the chance to make a choice for themselves. Making students choose what to learn and how to learn is a good way to make them happy. It also shows them that you trust them, as well as gives them some independence. The second is to get a good grasp of the students. Tips for creating a positive school culture is to take a genuine interest in what they like, dislike and how they function. Ask them questions and figure out what makes them tired. Build a relationship and let them know you care. A caring culture breeds caring people. The third is to encourage laughter and humor. Having enjoy and laugh together is valuable. Humor is important and an important factor in every thriving school. There are some fun ways to integrate humor into your classroom and school. For example, Use fun brain breaks with both students and educators to help them relax and prepare their brain for further learning. As students spend long hours in school during the day, they are influenced not only by their teachers but also by their friends. For a pleasant school life, good interaction with friends can contribute to creating a pleasant school life. It can also be a teacher's role to lead students so that everyone can smile and stay at school together without being left out. Also, by keeping the rules, we can make an orderly happy school by contributing to maintaining the classrooms of schools and classes. If there is no order in the classroom, it will be easy for fights and conflicts to occur. For a pleasant school life, we can talk enough with students to think about the rules that we must have, and then share our thoughts and opinions, and then set the rules with them. Schools without violence contribute to making fun schools. These days, school violence is occurring in an unusual way. School violence, which occurs because my mind is a little different from mine, leads to serious conflicts and fights between my friends, and minor quarrels lead to big fights. Schools without school violence allow students to enjoy their school life with ease. while living under a community of schools. In addition to these ways, there are many ways to pursue happiness in school. Teachers should be able to make students feel happy in school so that they can recognize school as a happy place or place they want to go. School is a place where teachers and students are made. It takes a lot of effort from teachers to make students enjoy going to school.
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