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"Trick or treat" Interesting Halloween

이름 안혜령 등록일 19.10.18 조회수 124

"Trick or treat" Interesting Halloween

10214 Park Jeongyeon

  Have you ever heard "Trick or treat?" That's mean you will hear that most often in the United States on October 31st every year when it's "Halloween Day," where people dress up as ghosts or monsters. Halloween is a popular children's festival in the United States, where people wear ghost or monster costumes and go from house to house to house to get snack such as candy and chocolate. Isn't it very interesting to give and take snacks? Let's learn about this interesting United States festival, Halloween.

  First, Let's look into the origins of Halloween. Halloween day originally began around 500 B.C. with the Samhain festival, a custom of the Irish the Celtic. The Celtic New Year's Day began on November 1st, not January 1st in winter, and they believed that even if a person died they would stay in someone else's body for a year and leave. So on October 31st, the last day of the year, people were dressed up as ghosts and made the house cold to prevent the spirits of the dead from entering. And naturally, the day before that became "All Adults' Day" and it turned into Halloween now. In the United States, Europe, On Halloween night, scaringly dressed children such as witches, pirates, characters, skeletons, go to house to house to get chocolate or candy and shouting "trick or treat."

  What comes to your mind about Halloween day? Maybe you will think about pumpkin. Because a pumpkin lantern called Jack-o'-lantern. that we use on Halloween day. And the pumpkin is orange, so the orange color has become the traditional color of Halloween. This pumpkin lantern is an accessory carved into a pumpkin that looks like a goblin's eyes glistening with a candle. According to the story, once upon a time there lived a man named Jack, who was so stingy that he couldn't enter heaven. Also, Jack couldn't get into hell because he played a trick on the demons. As a result, Jack couldn't walk on the ground with lantern until the day of the final judgement. So the Irish would dig radishes, beetroots or potatoes and make them look scary. They called them Jack-o'-lanterns, which mean 'Jack of the Lanterns." Moving into the United States, the Irish started using pumpkin to introduce the tradition to the United States. Because in autumn, it was easier to get pumpkins than radish.

  Isn't it interesting? Also people in Korea celebrate Halloween day, one of the United States culture and make the amusement park funny by dressed up like zombies or ghosts. How is your Halloween day?


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