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The Deterioration of between Korea and Japan |
이름 | 안혜령 | 등록일 | 19.10.18 | 조회수 | 123 |
The Deterioration of between Korea and Japan relations
10202 Kang Hyori
Nowadays, there is a boycott in Korea against buying or consuming Japanese-related products. The beginnings of these result is claim to damage who were taken from Japanese during Japanese colonial era. So, the court of the Republic of Korea concluded favorable judgement and Japan enforced Korea's export regulations on this occasion. The Korean people are boycotting it against rebellion. You can easily see examples of boycotts everywhere in Korea. Instance, “Don't sell Japanese beer.” is written at the market and Japanese corporate stores have a large decrease in customers. Japan's largest fashion brand, Uniqlo, was very popular among them, but is said that volume of sales has fallen rapidly to the point of closure. The same goes for noddles as well as cosmetics. Every vacation in Korea, tickets were sold out at a rapid pace but now the number have dropped noticeably despite half-price sale. Korean people have grown anger in constant dispute with Japan, the boycott seems to have gone well for the first time. In addition to the boycott, the Korean Goverment broken up the GSOMIA (Korea-Japan Military Information Protection Agreement). It is an agreement that shares military secrets with each other. Because Japan and Korea are very close geographically, Japan has benefited a lot from the agreement and is what they really need. But the Korean Goverment made a decision to terminate the secret military information exchange as it judged that it was not in the national interests at a time when the relationship was getting worse. However, the agreement is related with U.S., too. The U.S. had expressed regret over theirs decision. Korea-U.S could worsen relationship and right now they are in a difficult situation. The decision was firmly concluded despite South Korea's perception of unfavorable results. Korea and Japan have endless disputes within various ranges such as diplomacy, trade and history. What is the root of this problem? Japan colonized Korea from 1910 to 1945. Japan committed vicious acts during its domination, including forced labor, rape of Korean women and food extortion. Japan's Prime Minister, ‘Abe’ is now the descendants of Class A war criminals, and he denies all of Japan's past record, and even though Dokdo is Japan's territorial claim to have. The Korean public is very furious about the fact and is hoping for his impeachment, chanting "No-Abe." Like this, Korea-Japan relations are getting worse day by day. Until the day Japan apologizes, Korea-Japan relations are not inclined to improve.
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